Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Greetings from the Krumbholzs

Kyle wanted to say that he received your card and wanted to say thank you!!

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Peter Fox- Some German music

This song has become one of my favorite songs here in Germany! Most of the music on the radio is in English and from America or Britain, but occasionally you can find music in German. It is really catchy! Listen and enjoy!

Mitte and Kreuzberg

Mitte is the center of Berlin, and here are a few interesting pictures I wanted to show everyone.
 This is the only way I will buy brotwurst anymore!
 Berliner Dom- This is where I went to church on Sunday (today).  Absolutely the most beautiful church I have ever been in.

Kreuzberg- Kreuzberg is a neighborhood in Berlin just south of where I live in Prenzlauer Berg.  It is becoming the popular neighborhood for young people to live in.

 Victoria Park and the Iron Cross- This is a monument honoring liberation battles of the Napoleonic Wars.  In the summer, a waterfall cascades down the front of the hill.  

 View of the city from halfway up the hill.

 We made it to the top!  What a beautiful view!
 Kyle and the city!
 What a beautiful city I live in!
 The Iron Cross Monument
A Berlin Wedding!

Berlin Medieval Ruins at Rotes Rathaus

While digging for a new subway line in the middle of Berlin, construction workers came across ruins from the city of Berlin dating back to around 1200 or 1300.  They discovered the ruins you see below in the pictures but also pieces of dish ware and bottles.  They also came across items from the 1920s and 30s when the Nazi were first coming into power.  The Nazis dumped pieces of pop culture in order to rid Germany of inferior culture and so that the Nazis could develop their own identity.  
 Fountain outside gates of ruins.  Had to take a picture!
 Rotes Rathaus or Red Town Hall. These ruins are literally steps from the town hall.

Festival of Lights

Every year, Berlin illuminates various landmarks around the city in an event called the Festival of Lights.  Tourists from around the world come to see the spectacle of lights.  It is a photographer's paradise!     
 The Brandenburg Gate
 The American Embassy with the Declaration of Independence in both English and German.

 Straße des 17 Juni at night.
Fernsehtrum or TV tower!


What a beautiful hall to hear a symphony in!! The symphony is completely surrounded by the audience.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

A day on the beach.

YouTube Video

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Happy Homecoming!

YouTube Video

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Warnemünde, Welcome to the Baltic Sea!

This Saturday, Kyle and I went to Warnemünde on the coast of Germany.  We had gorgeous views of the Baltic Sea.  Even though it was only 50 degrees, we managed to get some sun (I got sunburnt where my hair was parted) and enjoy a picnic on the beach.  I was surprised by how many people were on the beach for it being so cool.  Enjoy the pictures!

 Wartburg!  Happy Homecoming!

This is where you can buy fried fish right off the boat. haha.

Wittenberg, Deutschland.

Wednesday, Kyle and I made a trip to Wittenberg, Germany, the city where the Reformation started.  We were joined by Kyle's host parents who were our tour guides for the day.